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Showing posts from February, 2019

Pesta Buku Selangor 2019


English: Wrote VS. Writed

Wrote or Writed Wrote or Writed?  The root word is "WRITE" So, what is the past tense for WRITE? Is it Wrote? or is it Writed? The answer is simple - there is no such thing as Writed.  I hope my students won't repeat the same mistakes again. Check again your past tense, you can always google to find the answer.  Other examples: Eat and Ate.  Take and Took.  Cry and Cried. 

Fancy Teacher Stamps

I love fancy teacher stamps. I got these from a Popular and bookstores near my house, Setia Alam. I use these stamps for my tutoring sessions. There are many other designs available.  Choose yours!  Happy Tutoring! 

Nisbah Trigonometri

Bab 5, Matematik Tingkatan 3 (PT3) Dalam bab 5 ini, penting bagi pelajar untuk mengingati nisbah trigonometri bagi tan , cos dan sin . Pelajar perlu mengenal pasti sisi yang mana adalah sisi bertentangan, bersebelahan dan juga Hipotenus. Banyakkan latihan untuk mengenal pasti sisi yang terlibat jika diberi soalan mengenai nisbah trigonometri ya.  Ini adalah nisbah trigonometri bagi sudut tertentu. 

English: Common mistake

Take note VS. Take noted The meaning of "TAKE NOTE" - to notice or give special attention to someone or something In Malay, it simply means, saya ambil maklum. When you want to use "TAKE NOTE" You have to write it as:  "TAKE NOTE"  "OKAY, I WILL TAKE NOTE" Or if you want to create a sentence using "take note" You can write it like this: "Employers should take note of the needs of disabled people" Never ever say it as "TAKE NOTED" So, remember.... Next time when you want to write it, write it as "Take Note" okay?

English: Singular vs. Plural

Hai students, I would like to share with you the common mistakes that my students make in English. The Singular VS. Plural Woman and Man VS. Women and MEN Please take note on this.  Stop making the same mistakes over and over again, okay?  One cat VS. Many cats Take note on this too! "Cat" can be replaced with other types of animals too! Maybe dog, hamster, snake? 

Red Blood Cells

- Science, Chapter 3, Transportation, Form 3 - Red Blood Cells Human Blood is quite a challenging topic for me.  So, "Human Blood" is in  Chapter 3 under the topic of Transportation, Form 3, Science.  What is Red Blood Cells? Red blood cells are round with a flattish, indented center, like doughnuts without a hole. Your healthcare provider can check on the size, shape, and health of your red blood cells using tests, such as the complete blood count screening. Red blood cells play an important role in your health by carrying fresh oxygen throughout the body. Most people don't think about their red blood cells unless they have a disease that affects these cells. Problems with red blood cells can be caused by illnesses or a lack of iron or vitamins in your diet. Some diseases of the red blood cells are inherited. Diseases of the red blood cells include many types of anemia, a condition in which there are too few red blood cells to carry

13 Rahsia Pelajar Cemerlang

Tutor Ryna akan kongsikan serba sedikit mengenai buku Motivasi Alihan Pelajar ini yang ditulis oleh Tengku Asmadi.  Ada 26 tajuk di dalam buku ini yang sesuai untuk para pelajar baca dan fahami. Antara tajuk-tajuk yang menarik minat Tutor Ryna adalah 13 Rahsia Pelajar Cemerlang dan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif. Dalam ruangan ini, Tutor Ryna akan kongsikan mengenai 13 Rahsia Pelajar Cemerlang dari buku ini ya. Mungkin ada pelajar-pelajar yang bertanya kepada diri sendiri tentang mengapa ada pelajar lain yang lebih berjaya bukan? Apakah cara pembelajaran mereka? Strategi pembelajaran mereka? Cara mereka membuat nota? Berapa lamakah masa yang diambil untuk membuat nota dan juga mengulang kaji pelajaran?  Ini antara soalan-soalan yang mungkin bermain di fikiran pelajar-pelajar tentang mengapa kita mungkin tidak sebijak pelajar lain. Mengikut Tengku Asmadi, berikut adalah 13 Rahsia mengapa ada pelajar-pelajar yang cemerlang. 1. Matlamat atau Sasaran 2.

Student Notice Board

Boards from Tesco Hai students, do you even realized the importance of having a notice board/whiteboard/blackboard in your room or study area? You can post your class schedule, tutoring schedule, your important tasks or notes, to-do list or any other reminders. When you are done with certain reminders, remove it and replace with a new one. You can also decorate it as you wish. You can use colorful papers, tacks or washi tapes.  You can use cork board with tacks or even a magnetic whiteboard. It doesn't really matter how big it is as long you can always look at it whenever needed.   Here is an example of student notice board from Martha Stewart's web page;  Student Notice Board Happy decorating students! 

Tutor wanted!

If you wish to be a tutor,  do send in your resume to Please also state your details, level that you can teach, coverage areas, availability (weekdays/weekend), subjects that you can teach and experience.  Thank you!  Perlukan tutor? Hubungi 019-6266841

Personalized Teacher Stamp

      I love fancy teacher stamps! So I ordered from Awesome teacher stamp with my cartoon there which I asked for adik Aqilah's help to draw it, you can check her Instagram account (pinkygirl_96). Cute right!  There are so many ways to make your tutoring sessions fun!  All the best tutors!  Perlukan tutor? Hubungi 019-6266841

Sains:Soalan KBAT

Tutor Ryna suka buku ini kerana ianya fokus kepada soalan-soalan KBAT. Ianya dapat membantu pelajar-pelajar Tingkatan 1-3 untuk praktis soalan-soalan yang memerlukan mereka untuk berfikir secara lebih kritis.  Soalan-soalan di dalam buku ini nampak mudah tetapi memerlukan bukan sahaja pengetahuan mengenai sesuatu topik tetapi membolehkan pelajar-pelajar untuk berfikir di luar kotak ketika menjawab soalan-soalan KBAT yang ada.  Mungkin pelajar, ibu bapa dan juga tutor boleh cuba untuk mendapatkan buku ini di kedai buku berhampiran. Tutor Ryna beli di MPH, Setia City Mall.  Cuba bagi anak-anak atau pelajar-pelajar praktis soalan-soalan KBAT yang ada di dalam buku ini.                     Bab 5: Jirim         Chapter 5: Matter      Tingkatan 1/Form 1 Ini adalah salah satu soalan dari buku Tip & Praktis KBAT PT3 Tingkatan 1 Sains Soalan:   Apakah yang dapat diperhatikan? Terangkan Mengapa. Jawapan: -Kertas tisu akan kekal kering. 


Khas buat anak jati Perak!  TAWARAN PERMOHONAN PINJAMAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI NEGERI PERAK BAGI SESI 2019/2020 Assalamualaikum w.b.t / Salam Sejahtera Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Kerajaan Negeri Perak di bawah Unit Pinjaman Pengajian Tinggi, Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Perak akan mengeluarkan Tawaran Pinjaman Pengajian Tinggi Negeri Perak Bagi Sesi 2019/2020. Tawaran pinjaman ini adalah terbuka bagi semua peringkat pengajian seperti berikut :- 1) Diploma ; 2) Ijazah Sarjana Muda ; 3) Ijazah Sarjana ; dan 4) Ijazah Kedoktoran bagi semua IPTA dan IPTS yang diiktiraf di bawah pinjaman ini. Justeru, anak-anak Perak yang berminat dan memenuhi syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan adalah dipelawa untuk memohon pinjaman ini mulai 2 Disember 2018 sehingga 28 Februari 2019. Semua permohonan perlulah dibuat secara atas talian melalui pautan yang berikut :- 1) atau 2) Sekiranya terdapat sebarang pertanyaan lanjut berhubung

Biasiswa Yang Di-Pertuan Agong (BYDPA) 2019-2020

B iasiswa Yang Di-Pertuan Agong (BYDPA) 2019-2020  – Tawaran Biasiswa Yang Di-Pertuan Agong (BYDPA) Sesi Pengajian 2019/2020 kini dibuka untuk permohonan. Semua warganegara Malaysia yang layak adalah dipelawa untuk memohon Biasiswa Yang Di-Pertuan Agong (BYDPA) Sesi Pengajian 2019/2020 di peringkat Sarjana dan Doktor Falsafah (Ph.D) di dalam dan luar negara secara sepenuh masa. Untuk maklumat lanjut, boleh la rujuk di laman sesawang berikut: Biasiswa Yang Di-Pertuan Agong 2019

Tips: New Tutor!

Hai new tutors! Here are some of my stuff that I usually bring along for my tutoring sessions! Stationery box Colorful pens, liquid paper, eraser, sharpener, stapler, fancy teacher stamps, ruler, glue, markers, highlighters, correction tapes and mechanical pencils.  I love fancy stationery items. Hence, I am using fancy stuff while doing my tutoring sessions and my students can use whatever that I have in the box. I will guide them on how to use highlighter as well, highlighting the important notes in their reference books. Markers and colorful pens, they can use it to make notes (mind maps). I prefer if the students can make colorful mind map notes, easy for them to refer later.  You might also need a Scientific calculator, I didn't have it in picture above but I do bring it for my Maths PT3 sessions.  Additional items you can add or bring for tutoring sessions are small whiteboard, whiteboard markers and duster. I have these items previously for

Learning English is Fun!

- Come and join us! We are trying to make kids feel the excitement of learning English. Guiding them the fun way!  Adding board games, speech, spelling, crosswords and other puzzles too! Every Sunday 5-7pm at Glenmarie Shah Alam! Registration for March is now open!  Contact 019-6266841 Perlukan tutor? Hubungi 019-6266841

Tips: Tag & Sticky notes

Dear students, Here are some tips on how to use tag and sticky notes. I will normally use tags on top of my students book to highlight their homework and at the bottom for corrections.  For notes, you can also use tags. You can tag important pages in your workbook or reference books.  What does important means here? Important pages are such page that contain topics which your tutor/teachers in school might have highlighted that it is important or you need to focus more. You might need to memorize a diagram or a flow chart on that page or topic. Hence, it's better for you to tag that particular pages so that you will remember how important it is.  Here is an example on how I do my tag notes for my Science, PT3 book!  I tagged the important pages for Chapter 1, FORM 3 (Ransangan dan Tindak Balas).  I highlighted the important sub-topics in it using a highlighter and tagged it with different colors of tag. No specific colors for tag note syst

Pentingnya menghafal sifir

Sifir 1-12 Nampak remeh? Tapi menghafal sifir sebenarnya sangat penting terutama bagi pelajar-pelajar sekolah rendah. Dengan menghafal sifir, pelajar akan lebih cepat mengira dan mempunyai lebih banyak masa untuk membaca soalan dan menjawab kesemua soalan yang diberi. Tutor Ryna sarankan pelajar-pelajar untuk mula menghafal sifir seawal mungkin. Jika boleh semasa berada di Darjah 1-3.  Pelajar-pelajar akan lebih bersedia untuk ketika berada di Darjah 4-6.  SELAMAT MENGHAFAL SIFIR ADIK-ADIK!  Perlukan tutor? Hubungi 019-6266841

Basic Multiplication Worksheets

Dear parents, You can download Multiplication Worksheets here! Hope it helps your kids with basic multiplication. It is very important for them to start practicing it as early as possible, would be a great help for your kids in Maths!  Multiplication Worksheets Perlukan tutor? Hubungi 019-6266841

Jualan Gudang Karangkraf (February 2019)

Hai parents! Jualan Gudang Karangkraf dari 15-24 Februari 2019! Ada novel, buku cerita buku ilmiah, majalah dan macam-macam lagi! Harga serendah RM1!  Perlukan tutor? Hubungi 019-6266841