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STEAM and HOTS Seminar

Tutor Ryna attended a Seminar last week, on the 7th of March on STEAM and HOTS.    They shared on the possible jobs of the future.  Can refer as in the picture below, probably for 5-15 years from now. 
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STPM results!

To all STPM students, congrats from us!  Choose your course wisely, discuss with parents on what courses that you intend to take.  It's either in IPTA or IPTS, choose carefully okay?  Arts/Science/Engineering. Some of the courses that I think students can try and look into; 1) Entrepreneurship (Business Management, Human Resource Management,Investment/Islamic banking) 2) Safety and Health 3) Environmental Health/Environmental Technology/Environmental Engineering 4) Medical Laboratory 5) Special Needs Education 6) Early Childhood Development 7) Software development/Gaming Development/IT 8) Educational Psychology  Some news yesterday on students achievements: Tahniah! Tahniah adik-adik! Well done!

Pesta Buku Selangor 2019


English: Wrote VS. Writed

Wrote or Writed Wrote or Writed?  The root word is "WRITE" So, what is the past tense for WRITE? Is it Wrote? or is it Writed? The answer is simple - there is no such thing as Writed.  I hope my students won't repeat the same mistakes again. Check again your past tense, you can always google to find the answer.  Other examples: Eat and Ate.  Take and Took.  Cry and Cried. 

Fancy Teacher Stamps

I love fancy teacher stamps. I got these from a Popular and bookstores near my house, Setia Alam. I use these stamps for my tutoring sessions. There are many other designs available.  Choose yours!  Happy Tutoring! 

Nisbah Trigonometri

Bab 5, Matematik Tingkatan 3 (PT3) Dalam bab 5 ini, penting bagi pelajar untuk mengingati nisbah trigonometri bagi tan , cos dan sin . Pelajar perlu mengenal pasti sisi yang mana adalah sisi bertentangan, bersebelahan dan juga Hipotenus. Banyakkan latihan untuk mengenal pasti sisi yang terlibat jika diberi soalan mengenai nisbah trigonometri ya.  Ini adalah nisbah trigonometri bagi sudut tertentu. 

English: Common mistake

Take note VS. Take noted The meaning of "TAKE NOTE" - to notice or give special attention to someone or something In Malay, it simply means, saya ambil maklum. When you want to use "TAKE NOTE" You have to write it as:  "TAKE NOTE"  "OKAY, I WILL TAKE NOTE" Or if you want to create a sentence using "take note" You can write it like this: "Employers should take note of the needs of disabled people" Never ever say it as "TAKE NOTED" So, remember.... Next time when you want to write it, write it as "Take Note" okay?